A Drowning Safety Guide
The summer season is finally here, which means many days and nights spent in the pool, the lake, the river and any other body of water in an effort to cool off from the hot sun in Tennessee. But as fun and refreshing as swimming can be, it can be just as dangerous. Too many lives are lost each year across the country because of drowning. You can take matters into your own hands to protect your children, friends, and other family members this year.
Summer 2018 drowning statistics
The 2018 summer season was a tragic one across the country and in Tennessee when it came to drowning, according to the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). There were 148 children who drowned in pools or spas during the 2018 summer season. The drownings occurred between Memorial Day and Labor Day 2018 and the victims were younger than 15. The 148 drownings represent a 9% decrease from the 163 in 2017.
The state of Tennessee was near the top of the list for most drownings in 2018 with six. They hit the list at number five along with Illinois, which also had six drownings. Florida and Texas topped the list with 21 drownings apiece in 2018.
“Although the decline in the number of fatal child drownings this summer is promising, drowning remains the leading cause of unintentional death for children ages one to four,” said Ann Marie Buerkle, Acting Chairman, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. “To eliminate the public health crisis of fatal child drownings, we must maintain our commitment to water safety year-round. The risk of drowning doesn’t go away when the neighborhood pool closes.”
Where you can receive CPR training
CPR is a skill that every adult should know. Many people receive CPR training via their employer or their local emergency services department, if offered to the public. The Tennessee Safety & Health Council offers CPR training for individuals as well as on-site at your place of employment. You can learn adult, infant, and child CPR along with first aid skills and other basic lifesaving skills. You can also call your local fire department or emergency squad to find out if they offer CPR classes to the public.
Pool safety tips
Below, you will find a list of some pool safety tips you should follow this summer to prevent children and others from drowning:
- Never leave a child unattended near a body of water
- Children should be taught how to properly swim
- Teach your children to keep away from pool drains
- Install the proper fences, gates, and other barriers around the pool at your home
- Install alarms on your pool gates
- Learn how to perform CPR on both children and adults
- Never let children swim alone if they are still learning how to swim
Who can be liable for a drowning?
If a child drowns in a neighbor’s pool, can the neighbor be held liable? It’s possible. There’s such a thing as attractive nuisance. This is an object that would attract a child’s attention. If the pool was not properly fenced in, or did not have a gate near the steps, the owner could be held liable for the child’s injuries or death. Inadequate supervision could also come into play. Did you leave your child at a friend’s house to play? Did your child drown in that person’s pool because no one was watching the child? If so, the homeowner could be held liable.
Drowning is a serious issue across Tennessee. With Memorial Day in the rear-view mirror, make sure you take the proper precautions this summer when around a body of water. If your child drowns because of someone else’s negligence, be sure to contact a Chattanooga premises liability attorney at Wagner Workers Compensation & Personal Injury Lawyers. Call the office at 423-756-7923 or complete a contact form to schedule a consultation. We proudly represent clients in Chattanooga, Cleveland, and across Tennessee ad North Georgia.

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