Should I See a Doctor after a Fall?
Each day on average, thousands of people sustain injuries due to slip and fall accidents. According to the CDC, every year, 3 million older people received treatment in emergency departments as a result of fall injuries. More than 800,000 patients each year are hospitalized because of a fall injury, the majority of the time due to a hip fracture or head injury. When a fall happens due to a hazardous property condition that involves negligence as the reason, the negligent party may be assigned liability for the victim’s losses, including medical expenses.
However, a slip and fall victim is not entitled to financial damages automatically, regardless of the seriousness of his or her injuries. The injured victim must access medical care and file a personal injury claim.
So, as an injured victim in a slip and fall accident, should you see a doctor without fail? The answer is yes. Here are a few important reasons.
For your health, first and foremost
If you sustained an injury in a slip and fall accident, but have yet to obtain medical treatment, it is imperative that you see a doctor as soon as possible. The primary reason is your health. Even certain types of serious injuries such as torn ligaments, fractured ribs, or internal bruising to organs can go unnoticed or undiagnosed by medical professionals. It is also possible that if you hit your head in a fall, you may have sustained a mild traumatic brain injury that only feels like a bad headache at the moment.
To authenticate your claim
Each day that you delay seeing a doctor can reduce the value of your slip and fall case. You must remember that you are working uphill against insurance companies and corporate entities that have high-powered legal help to assert your accident did not cause your injuries or that your injuries are much less serious than you are claiming. Gaps and delays in your medical treatment only serve to enhance the strength of those arguments on the part of the defendant.
To generate medical records and bills for your claim
It is not possible to prove medical injuries related to your slip and fall without medical bills and records. This information must be generated and available in order to obtain any type of financial recovery. It is important to visit the emergency room, a walk-in clinic, or your family doctor. Inform your doctor or medical provider of your injury in the accident. It is important to have this piece of information in your medical records as the reason your injuries occurred when you suffered the slip and fall. In addition, be sure to relate to the medical professional every one of your symptoms, regardless of how minor they may seem.
Any delay can hinder your slip and fall claim. An investigation of the accident site is essential as early as possible in the process. At Wagner Workers Compensation & Personal Injury Lawyers, we have the resources and experience to help you find the right physician and guide your case toward appropriate compensation and justice. Our team serves clients in Chattanooga and Cleveland, TN, and across North Georgia. To arrange a free, initial consultation with a premises liability lawyer, call us today at 423-756-7923 or reach us through our contact form.

Wagner Workers Compensation & Personal Injury Lawyers is one of the longest-established law firms in Chattanooga. With more than seven decades of proven legal experience, our law practice has steadily grown through repeat business, valuable referrals and a tradition of client satisfaction. Learn More