Other Experts Who May Work on Your Truck Accident Claim
If you have suffered an injury in a truck accident and have filed a claim for damages, it is important to give yourself the best opportunity for success in your claim with the goal of receiving everything you need to cover lost income and pay your medical costs. A successful commercial trucking claim will often require the gathering and presentation of technical evidence related specifically to the trucking industry.
Beyond proving the extent of your injuries and financial losses, you will likely need expert testimony from individuals with specialized knowledge in these types of accidents. This is where experts with field specializations relevant to your claim can look carefully at the evidence and give their expert opinion on the reason for the crash, the errors committed by the at-fault driver, and the damages to which you are entitled. The types of people who may help your case include:
Truck accident reconstructionist
A truck accident reconstruction expert can determine exactly what happened during an accident, particularly if the various drivers’ stories involved differ, or if drivers cannot remember portions of the incident clearly. A reconstructionist in truck accidents can utilize testimony, photographs, and physical evidence from the crash scene to help determine the speed of the vehicles, whether any of the vehicles maneuvered evasively prior to the collision, and who was at fault. An expert may also utilize his or her knowledge of the regulations that apply to commercial truckers and their vehicles in order to explain to the jury how the driver or vehicle may not have been in adherence to those regulations.
Medical experts
Certain accident injuries may not be evident to the naked eye and require a medical expert to evaluate and interpret medical records to explain how certain internal injuries resulted from the accident. Medical experts can also describe the type of pain and suffering these injuries likely caused the victim in addition to the long-term prognosis of the victim.
Economic and financial planners
In some cases, truck accidents can be of such a serious nature that the victim misses work for a lengthy period of time, or has to take on a part-time or less demanding job, or require permanent medical care. Economic experts can describe to the court the lost earning capacity of such a victim over his or her lifespan in addition to the medical expenses expected and adjusted for inflation. They can review your overall expected expenses and assign a value to what your daily cost of living will likely be, to help bolster your attorney’s work when it comes to assessing damages.
Occupational expert
If you are not able to return to your previous job but have the ability to work in another fashion or industry, an occupational expert can explain to the court how your injuries are inhibiting your ability to work, the type of work you are able to do, and the training that would require. If your injury has made you permanently disabled, this expert can explain why your injuries prevent you from obtaining employment in any profession.
At Wagner Workers Compensation & Personal Injury Lawyers, our Chattanooga truck accident attorneys understand the nature of trucking accidents. We know the various rules and regulations that apply to truckers and their carriers. Our team can fight on your behalf to help you secure your rightful compensation in the wake of your truck accident injuries. We serve Chattanooga, Cleveland, TN, and all of North Georgia. To set up a free case evaluation, give us a call today at 423.799.3532 or fill out our contact form.

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