What Are the Most Common Injuries in Drunk Driving Accidents?
Summer is right around the corner. This is the time of year where teenagers are preparing for graduation, young drivers are getting their driving hours in on the road, and many people are gearing up for summer road trips. Unfortunately, there are more opportunities during the warmer seasons for drunk driving accidents to happen.
Many people assume that the changes from the pandemic have led to a decrease in drunk driving accidents; however, that is not true. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports a 14 percent increase in drunk driving fatalities between 2019 and 2020. Even when there were less vehicles on the road, the number of drunk driving accidents surged.
Why are drivers continuing to drink and drive?
There is no specific demographic that is prone to drunk driving. Any type of driver – whether young, old, male, or female – can be arrested for driving while impaired. There are several reasons why drunk driving is still happening in the United States. Alcohol and drug consumption has increased since the beginning of the pandemic, and this factor can play a role into the many drivers who continue to take a risk and drive under the influence.
If you combine this with the fact that the number of vehicles on the road decreased at the beginning of the pandemic, this scenario encouraged drivers to engage in riskier behaviors on the road. Many drivers mistakenly overestimate their ability to drive safely after consuming alcohol.
Other factors that contribute to drunk driving
Some other reasons why drivers decide to engage in drunk driving involve a lack of means of transportation and failing to consume enough food to absorb the alcohol in their system. Even with rideshare services like Uber and Lyft, some drunk drivers still choose to get behind their vehicles and place themselves and others in danger.
What are the dangers of drunk driving?
According to the NHTSA, 32 people a day are killed from drunk driving in the United States. When drivers decide to take a risk and drive somewhere after driving, it can result in a loss of life. Law enforcement officials refer to the period from Memorial Day to Labor Day as the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer. This period in particular is one of the most crucial periods for drunk drivers. The weather is great, COVID restrictions have been relaxed, and there are so many social occasions that take place during this time. The chances of drinking and driving is heightened around this time.
Common injuries from drunk driving accidents
The main reason why drunk driving is so deadly is because accidents tend to be catastrophic. When drunk drivers consume alcohol, they increase their chances of losing control of their vehicles and seriously hurting other motorists, passengers, pedestrians, or cyclists. Here are some of the injuries that drunk drivers can cause to others.
Spinal cord injuries (SCIs)
A spinal cord injury is a catastrophic injury that a person experiences when the spinal cord endures blunt force trauma from an accident. If a car accident victim is ejected from a vehicle or is forcefully struck from the side or behind a vehicle, the victim’s spine is at risk of being partially or seriously damaged. Victims of a spinal cord injury can experience a loss of feeling and muscle movement in every part of their body.
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
Another catastrophic injury that drunk driving accidents can cause is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A traumatic brain injury is a permanent injury to the head or brain that happens when the head absorbs blunt force trauma. Victims of drunk driving accidents can experience these types of injuries in any type of motor vehicle accident. Traumatic brain injuries can cause victims to experience issues in concentration, memory, and emotions for the rest of their lives. These brain injuries can make it extremely difficult for victims to live their lives with a sense of independence.
Traumatic amputations
Victims of drunk driving accidents can suffer crushed or loss of limbs. This type of injury can happen at the scene of the accident or later at the hospital. Patients can suffer two types of amputations:
- Surgical amputation. This type of amputation happens when a person loses a specific amount of blood supply in an injured limb, and a condition known as necrosis begins. Once the victim begins to experience necrosis, the tissue within the injured limb cannot be repaired, and amputation is the only solution.
- Traumatic amputation. This amputation occurs when a victim experiences the loss of a limb after a traumatic accident. In some cases, medical professionals will race against the clock to reattach the limb for the victim. If the limb cannot be reattached, the victim will have to undergo surgery.
Organ and soft tissue damage
Another common injury from drunk driving accidents is damage to the organs and soft tissue. Organ damage is one of the most dangerous injuries because it is not as immediately noticeable. As a result, internal organ damage can lead to needing emergency medical care. Victims of drunk accidents can also experience long-term chronic pain when soft tissues like ligaments and tendons are injured.
If you or a loved one have been a victim of a drunk driving accident, you should not have to fight for justice and compensation for your injuries alone. Wagner Workers Compensation & Personal Injury Lawyers offer comprehensive legal representation to all of our clients. To schedule a free consultation about your case, call us today at 423-756-7923 or complete our contact form. We represent injured clients in and around Chattanooga and Cleveland, TN, and North Georgia.

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