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Brighter Headlights Are Causing More Car Accidents

Every driver knows that car lights are essential to driving at night. Chattanooga drivers should also understand that using the car’s bright lights often requires balances. Many rural roads and country roads aren’t well-lit, which makes seeing difficult. It can be especially hard to see when it is foggy or rainy. The balance is that…

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Headlights Are Getting Dangerously Brighter

If you have ever been blinded by the glare of oncoming headlights, you may have wondered if they are getting brighter. They are, and they may be partly to blame for making our roads more dangerous after dark. According to the National Safety Council, Americans only do 25% of our driving at night. And yet,…

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How Safe Is Your New Car if a Drone Can Hack It?

You may have seen the video of a Tesla Model 3 being remotely hacked by a drone flying over the car. This started when the Pwn2Own2020 hacking competition canceled the automotive portion of the competition due to concerns related to the coronavirus. Some researchers decided to keep the momentum going and continue with their own…

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What Are the Dangers Associated with Side-Swipe Collisions?

The majority of accidents that make the news are head-on collisions or rear-end collisions. People often don’t think about side-swipe accidents, even though they are just as common and just and dangerous – potentially even more so – than other types of crashes. Side-swipe accidents, even at slow speeds, can cause vehicles to crash into…

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Why Do Head-On Crashes Occur?

Head-on crashes occur when the front of one vehicle strikes the front of another vehicle. Unlike some other types of car accidents, head-on collisions are usually caused by one driver who is grossly negligent. There’s generally no justification for a driver striking another vehicle in a head-on crash. Plain and simple, one driver simply wasn’t…

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Car Accident Medical Bills When There’s Not Enough Insurance

Tennessee requires that every car owner have minimum liability insurance coverage. Liability coverage is used to pay your medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, and the damage to your car when another driver’s negligence causes your injuries. Many times, though, the minimum coverage or a low coverage amount is not enough to cover all…

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Whiplash – When a Minor Injury Becomes a Chronic Injury

Whiplash is sometimes viewed as a minor injury in the aftermath of a fender-bender, or even a more substantial car accident. However, this injury is often more serious than first realized. If you have experienced any symptoms related to whiplash, it is important to get a medical check as soon as possible. The long-term effects…

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