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The Dangers of Overloaded Large Trucks

Many of us experience some sort of anxiety when driving behind or alongside large trucks. You might find yourself attempting to pass them as quickly as possible to stay out of their way. You never know what kind of cargo might be in their trailer, and being involved in an accident is not a good…

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FMCSA Considering Rule Changes to Make Trucking Safer

Next year, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) plans to propose new rules that affect automatic electronic braking systems (AEBs), electronic logging devices (ELDs), and roadside inspections. It will seek public comment about amending regulations to require every truck operating in interstate commerce to carry an electronic device that would transmit a unique identification…

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Defective Daimler Chassis Can Cause Tire Blowouts

Daimler Trucks North America recently conducted a second recall of Freightliner Custom Chassis Corp. (FCCC) products after an undetected leaky valve stem was discovered. The new recall was reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and involved at least some of the 10,359 FCCC units that were recalled in September of this year.…

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Truck Backup Accidents Are a Serious Risk to Workers

There is a reason why people in parking lots are advised not to move around vehicles that are in the process of backing out of parking spaces. Even though drivers are supposed to constantly check their mirrors and blind spots before reversing, accidents happen, and drivers are not as aware of their surroundings as many…

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Cargo Spills Can Change Lives in an Instant

When it comes to being safe on the roads, you can only control your own actions. You can stay to the right unless you are passing, follow speed limit signs, wear your seat belt, and signal when you want to turn or merge. Be staying awake and aware, you may be able to avoid being…

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Truck Driver Fatigue and Sleep Apnea

Truck drivers often work very long hours. Many times, the trucking companies that hire truck drivers pressure drivers to make deliveries based on unreasonable or changing schedules, which in turns affects the truckers sleep schedules. A fatigued driver is a dangerous driver. Not all driver fatigue is related to overtime work or changing schedules. Many…

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Why Are Wide Turns So Dangerous for Trucks?

Here in Tennessee, there is no shortage of commercial motor vehicles on the road. Tractor trailers are often driving alongside us, whether they are delivering product nearby or simply passing through. Truck drivers face many unique challenges compared to those who drive standard-sized vehicles and this, unfortunately, means human error is both more common and…

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