Truck Accident
Truckers’ Drug Histories to Be Available to Employers Starting in 2020
Beginning in January 2020, trucking companies and carriers must begin checking a national database to find out if potential drivers have a history of drug or alcohol use on the job. The rule was established by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) in 2016 and mandatory reporting begins on January 6, 2020. Up until…
Read MoreLiability in Amazon Delivery Truck Accidents
In 2015, online shopping giant Amazon launched a new offering called Amazon Flex. This program, similar in structure to rideshare gigs like Lyft and Uber, lets qualified individuals work as independent contractors and deliver Amazon packages to customers using their own trucks and vehicles. While this business model means faster delivery for customers and a…
Read MoreWho Is Liable in a Moving Truck Accident?
Rental moving trucks are not always as massive as commercial trucks such as 18-wheelers, but they are larger than standard passenger vehicles. Due to their size, they are more difficult to operate. However, there is no law that requires the drivers of these vehicles to undergo training or obtain a particular license to operate one…
Read MoreOther Experts Who May Work on Your Truck Accident Claim
If you have suffered an injury in a truck accident and have filed a claim for damages, it is important to give yourself the best opportunity for success in your claim with the goal of receiving everything you need to cover lost income and pay your medical costs. A successful commercial trucking claim will often…
Read MoreUnderride Guards and Truck Accidents
According to the Government Accounting Office, about 219 people died each year, between 2008 and 2017, due to an underride truck crash. The GAO states the averages are probably low due to the ways statistics are kept on a state and federal level. What is an underride guard? Underrides are guards on the rear, front,…
Read MoreHow Truck Blind Spots Affect Truck Driver Liability and Your Liability
Truck drivers can cause accidents for many different reasons. They may be too tired to drive. Their cargo may spill. Many truck drivers go too fast because they’re under pressure to make deliveries. One well-known reason for truck accidents is that truck drivers have “blind spots” that make it harder to see the traffic around…
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