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The Dangers of Workplace Structural Collapses

By now, it is likely that the collapse of Champlain Towers South condominiums in Surfside, Florida is familiar to most people. It is a story that shook the nation when we heard—and maybe even saw—the collapse of the 12-story building that was occupied with hundreds of residents at the time, and it was tragic how…

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The Tragic Effects of Youth Workplace Injuries

With the job market being as competitive as it is nowadays, the younger generation often feels the need to accept the first position offered to them without considering how potentially dangerous the work can be or without having any prior job experience. Sometimes the idea of the job or working with friends can be so…

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Workers’ Compensation for Crush Injuries

Any injury in the workplace is an inconvenience for many employees. However, there are some injuries from which a worker rarely recovers. One of those injuries is a crush injury. Crush, sometimes called crushing, injuries can be so severe that workers may suffer a traumatic amputation, or loss of life. Even if the worker’s crush…

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FAQ: Burn Injuries and Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ compensation is meant to protect you in the event an accident happens on the job. Typically when we think of a work injury, we think of a slip and fall or a broken bone. However, some workers experience extremely serious, life-altering accidents, like those involving fire or explosions. Burn injuries can take an employee…

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Catastrophic Worksite Injuries Caused by Power Tools

What do construction workers, contractors, and factory workers have in common? These employees incorporate the use of power tools in their work. Power tools are essential resources for these employees to perform their tasks in a more efficient manner. These tools can also cause several types of workplace accidents if workers are not careful or…

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Electrical Injuries and Workers’ Compensation

Electricians and anyone who works with or near electricity are at constant risk of electrical shocks, burns, and other trauma. In the most tragic cases, a worker dies due to contact with electrical currents. Workers who suffer electrical injuries while performing their job have the right to payment for all the medical treatment they need…

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Non-Fatal Workplace Injuries Are Common, and Costly

The Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index is a yearly ranking of the most serious, nonfatal workplace injuries that took place in the United States. In addition to the compiled list of top ten workplace injuries, it also calculates the direct cost to employers in terms of medical expenses and lost wages. According to the 2021…

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Can Tennessee Truckers Collect Workers’ Compensation?

The trucking industry is a dangerous one. Drivers, loaders, and mechanics, not to mention those who work in logistics or manufacturing, can all sustain injuries while on the job. While many workers are employed by larger companies, some drivers self-employed. Unlike employees who can collect workers’ compensation, a self-employed or contracted driver may be ineligible.…

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